Congratulations, Deborah Claxton

We drew your name this morning to win the $90 essential oils kit from Young Living.  This is a super starter kit – you’ll be amazed at all the issues you can address with just these oils.

To claim your prize, just email me via the contact page with your mailing address and I can get this off in the mail for you on Monday!

Thanks so much to everyone who took the time to enter the draw, and for your feedback about what sorts of things you’d like to read about in our new Homestead Healthcare section.  I’ll be getting to writing first thing next week, and you can be assured of lots of useful tips to help you and your family get through any health related maladies that might occur should you ever be in a position where you can’t get to a doctor… or choose not to for whatever reason.

Obviously, I’m not a doctor and can’t dispense medical advice.  But I can share with you what has worked for us to allow us to deal with 99% of any minor (and in some cases major) health issues ourselves.  We’re very excited to be able to start sharing these stories with you.

Again, big congratulations to Deborah!

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